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Riverdale Aerovista

A Journey of Discovery and Belonging

The Resilience of Mrs. and Mr. Das 110A Finding Home in Riverdale Aerovista


The tale of the woman from Shillong and her family is one of exploration, adaptation, and ultimately, finding a place to call home. It’s a story that spans across different cities, highlighting the transformative power of new experiences and the enduring bonds of family.

Origins in Shillong

Hailing from Shillong, the woman’s husband ran an archery business, and together they nurtured their small family with love and care. With aspirations for their daughter’s future, they made the decision to send her to Kolkata for her education, laying the foundation for a journey that would lead them to unexpected destinations.

Mrs. and Mr. Das's Journey

Education and Career Pursuits

As their daughter completed her education and ventured into the corporate world, securing a job at Deloitte, the family's horizons expanded further. Her career path eventually led her to MAX Hospital in Mohali, where she found herself drawn to the city's charm and vibrant atmosphere.

Discovering Mohali

Impressed by their daughter's enthusiasm for Mohali, the woman and her husband decided to visit the city themselves. Spending time exploring its streets and soaking in its culture, they too felt a deep connection to the city and its welcoming ambiance.

The Quest for a Home

With the decision to settle in Mohali made, the family embarked on a quest to find the perfect home. After exploring numerous properties with a real estate agent, they stumbled upon Aerovista, a residential enclave that captured their hearts with its picturesque location and modern amenities.

A Love Affair with Aerovista

Enthralled by the positive energy and serene surroundings of Aerovista, the family made the decision to purchase a flat in the community. Their experience with the purchasing process was seamless, thanks to the guidance and support provided by the Aerovista team.

Embracing Community:

Upon moving into Aerovista, the woman found solace in the warm embrace of her neighbors, forming meaningful connections and friendships within the community. She reveled in the safe and secure environment, surrounded by lush greenery that enveloped the neighborhood.

Happiness in Aerovista

Today, Mrs. Vatsala resides in Aerovista with her children, finding solace and contentment amidst the warm embrace of her neighbors and the supportive community. Her journey stands as a testament to the power of resilience, love, and the indomitable human spirit.

Commitment to a New Beginning

Despite her husband’s business ties to Shillong, the woman made the bold decision to make Mohali their permanent home. Embracing the spirit of adventure and new beginnings, they sold their business in Shillong and committed to living out the rest of their days together in Riverdale Aerovista.


The journey of the woman and her family is a testament to the transformative power of exploration and the enduring bonds of family. Through their quest for a home, they discovered not just a place to live, but a community to belong to—a sanctuary where they could build new memories and embrace the next chapter of their lives with open hearts and minds.


At vero eos et accusam et iusto odio

At vero eos et accusamus et iusto odio digniss iducimus blan ditiis

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    Dyalpura, Adjoining Aerocity 200 ft. Airport Road, Mohali, Punjab